Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Egypt?s Tamarod: Suspend Israel peace treaty if it hinders Sinai security

The Egyptian grass-roots organization that instigated the ouster of President Mohammed Morsi last month called for the ?suspension? of the Camp David peace accords with Israel, if what it considered unjustified restrictions of Egyptian sovereignty in the Sinai Peninsula continued.

At a press conference held in Cairo Monday, a spokesman for Tamarod, Mohammed Abdul Aziz, said that if the multinational observer force deployed in Sinai to oversee the agreement continues to impose restrictions on the Egyptian army waging a battle against terrorists in Sinai, the agreement should be suspended.

?We support the Egyptian army?s war on terror and call for augmenting its numbers in Sinai, despite the imperialistic restrictions in Camp David,? Abdul Aziz told journalists gathered at the offices of the al-Watan daily. ?If the international forces stationed in Sinai continue to prevent, for instance, airplanes from entering ? we demand from now that [Egypt] suspend its actions under Camp David and impose its sovereignty on Sinai to be rid of these terrorist groups.?

On Monday, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya?alon allowed the Egyptian army to deploy two additional infantry battalions in the Sinai, bringing the total number of Egyptian battalions in the peninsula to 11, in addition to a tank battalion and attack helicopters. A source in Jerusalem told The Times of Israel that Egypt is currently undertaking its first serious drive against terror groups in Sinai.

Under the 1979 Camp David Accords, Egypt is banned from deploying any military forces within a strip of 20-40 kilometers (12-24 miles) along its border with Israel without prior Israeli agreement. Egyptian opposition to this clause is bipartisan, coming both from the Islamic right and the liberal left, to which Tamarod belongs.

A youth-based organization, Tamarod succeeded in garnering millions of signatures in favor of ousting Muslim Brotherhood Mohammed Morsi ahead of the mass demonstrations across Egypt on June 30, which led to a military takeover.

As the Egyptian army intensified its land and air operation against Sinai Jihadists this week, three Egyptian laborers were killed and 17 injured when terrorists fired rocket-propelled grenades at the bus in which they were traveling in the north Sinai city of el-Arish Monday.

Source: http://www.timesofisrael.com/egypts-tamarod-suspend-israel-peace-treaty-if-it-hinders-sinai-security/

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